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Mama's Voice - Poem

Mama's Voice - Poem

Artist:  Stanka Kordic

Artist: Stanka Kordic


Mama’s voice, deep within, I’ve heard it from the start

In that warm and guarded place, growing near her heart.

Outside the womb, it’s scary, the world and all its noise

Making new demands of me….where, the simple joys?

Today I find myself standing here, all grown.

Even though a man loves me, sometimes I feel alone.

Before I could let go the load.  Someone else was able.

Mama’s voice calling out, “Dinner’s on the table.”

Mama’s voice, tell me I’m okay. Sometimes I feel so weak.

Guess I’ll take my phone and call to simply hear her speak.

“The journey’s rough at times, sweet girl, wish I could ease your fear.

The ache will pass.  You’ll feel the sun.  You won’t always be here.”

You feel the strain of life’s demands, not here in Mama’s lap.

But the space between us can’t be measured on a map.

You’re growing up, but right by my heart, always a part of me.

In Mama’s prayers, warm and safe, there you’ll always be.

Beyond Color

Beyond Color

