Faith for Another
There is a compelling in my spirit today to share something God has put in my heart and on my mind. Like me, you probably have many people in your lives that you desire miracles for…. Miracles of healing for the body, the soul( mind and emotions) and the spirit. And I mean MIRACLES….miracles that go against the status quo; against a diagnosis; against man’s thoughts and wisdom and even medical expertise. I’m talking about awe- inspiring “only God could have done this” miracles.
I felt in my spirit that God said, “You can have faith for the healing of another.” Somewhere in my thinking, there was a hold up… a mindset that healing could only occur for someone if THEY had the faith for it. And God was showing me …. Nope! I’m not limited like that. He will embrace the faith we bring to Him on behalf of someone else! This may sound simple to you. But today, its impact on me was huge.
So I went to God and asked for an example. Immediately the story of the paralytic in Luke chapter 5 came to mind. The story is documented in the 9th chapter of Matthew and in the 2nd chapter of Mark as well. People had come from everywhere to hear Jesus that day, and the house where he was teaching was packed with a crowd. There were some men who desperately wanted to get their friend to Jesus and were determined to find a way. So they made their way to the roof, cut an opening and lowered their paralyzed friend right there in front of Jesus. The story doesn’t say much about the man or his faith or if he even had any. It tells of those with him who would not be deterred by the crowd and who found a way to bring their friend into the healing presence of Jesus. As a result, a miraculous healing happened that day… a visible, monumental, “not by man’s wisdom” complete healing happened. The passage says Jesus saw THEIR faith( not necessarily the faith of the man in need).
Maybe some of you need to hear this. I’ll just trust God with on whose ears this message falls. But the liberation I have discovered today to use my faith for the healing of another is profound. Take your liberty! Cut the hole in the roof! Make a way for whoever you are bringing before the healing presence of Jesus, the One Who has healed us by His stripes. It is done. It is complete. It is truly finished. May we grasp it for ourselves and for all we bring before His healing presence!
P.S. The Holy Spirit continued to unveil and bring new thoughts about this. Paralysis can of course be a physical infirmity as shown in the story. In reality, the issue of being “paralyzed” can touch all sorts of places within us. Maybe like me you have been stuck mentally in an endless negative thought pattern( for years, even). Or there may be paralysis in a relationship that can’t seem to progress and make headway. We can be caught in habit patterns that seem insurmountable. Use YOUR faith and bring that person into the healing presence of Jesus. And if the one who is paralyzed is you, ask some friends who with their faith will carry you into His healing presence. I bet there are those out there who you would cut a hole in the roof for. And there are those who would do the same for you. I plan to be astonished and to glorify God for what He is going to do! (Luke 5:26)